Category Archives: rapier

Meerkats invade Krae Glas

A week ago I had the pleasure of being part of the Meerkat advance strike force into the Barony of Krae Glas. We crossed the border in the dead of night and proceeded to advance into the Barony. Our totally not prepared victims met us on the Saturday as we proceeded to run a rapier training day, full of fighting, teaching, coaching and just general tom-foolerly. In addition, we had the pleasure of being taught by several notables from Krae Glas, so the education-invasion wasn’t entirely one-sided.

On the Sunday, after what felt like the worlds longest drive, we reached the Hamlet of Grœnahólar within the Barony of Krae Glas and proceeded to be entertained by very pretty horses and skilled riders. It happened to be my first event watching equestrian and I found it very entertaining. Master Yevan held the field against two fighters from Krae Glas, eventually moving into a full on team melee, after which we began the challenge tournament. Eastern fighters were encouraged to challenge Meerkats with three passes per challenge, different weapon combinations each pass.

There was an offhand severed hand, war chicken and pig among the usual dagger, buckler, rotella, longsword suspects.

The forces of the East narrowly defended their lands with their Baronial Rapier Champion taking the day.

Overall it was a great trip full of great hospitality in a great Barony. I’ll be visiting again and looking forward to the fights.

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Invading River Haven (with friendship and teaching)

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to travel to the Barony of River Haven and visit with some of the local fencers, enjoying some pick up fights and offering some teaching, coaching and advice where I could.

In return, I got to encounter fighting styles I’d never come across, meet new friends and had a ball – and hopefully a few folks were able to learn something useful.

I’m looking forward to travelling back up for Fencing Fest and spending more time in the region to visit and offer training, I’ve found that I’m learning a lot by teaching others at the moment.

1 River Haven Lady and 3 Meerkats, making bad jokes.

Until next time!

P.S. I’m happy to visit other groups to learn or teach, feel free to get in touch (

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Filed under Personal, rapier, SCA

Updates, productivity, more

It’s been far too long since I’ve updated this.

I feel like I’ve hardly done anything to this website, and yet I already want to do a redesign. Itchy fingers and an itchy mind are the curse of the restless. EDIT: As you can see, I changed the website after all.

That said, today has been the best in terms of personal productivity in months.

  • Did a hardware supply run
  • Planned an event
  • Built a banner pole setup for my Gonfalon (Courtesy of my wonderful Pelican, Mistress Ingerith)
  • Completed 2/3 of a new rapier offhand (with instructions and an article to come soon(tm)
  • Studied new rapier concepts to practice and teach

Gonfalon depicting personal arms. All sewing courtesy of Mistress Ingerith. Banner pole and rope by yours truly.

I will admit that writing this out, it feels a tad depressing to consider this an achievement – however, compared to recently, it’s a marked improvement and all long term progress is made with small steps.
I have had a to-do list a mile long in the past 12 months, combining personal life, my role as Seneschal, my cooking endevours, more recently my role as Webminister and more recently my increased focus into Rapier + C&T (Which I managed to authorize in this week).


I owe an apology to everyone waiting for recipes and redactions from Oktoberfeast – I still have them part way done, I haven’t been in the headspace to sit down and focus on my cooking in quite a while. It’s still in the works, to be published Soon(TM) – along with my submission of forms to the Cooks Guild so I can rank up.
I’ll thank you all for your patience and promise to wash dishes in your kitchen or feed you in mine as repayment.


As I’m writing this, Rowany Festival looms around the corner with a variety of activities. I’ve already fallen far behind my sewing, but I hope I can continue this productive trend and actually get it done in time (with receiving talented help for anything complex, naturally).

12th Night Politarchopolis 2017, Court of the Outgoing Crown. Amos pictured very far right, bald and displaying a beard.

This year in the SCA should be an interesting one – I would like to travel more around Lochac. I had the pleasure of visiting the Barony of Politarchopolis for the first time for 12th Night early this year, taking a carpool from Innilgard that included playing taxi for the B&B. It was my first opportunity to serve as a part of court and I found I enjoyed it, even if all I really did was look good, hold cups and his Excellencies do-rag.

I had a lot of fun there, and I hope to have the opportunity to travel further. I’ve made it a personal goal to attempt to reach one new Barony (at least), per year so that I can experience everything this Kingdom can offer. I hope to hit a second this year in travelling to Ynys Fawr for Great Southern Gathering. In a strange turn about, it will be my third GSG in a row, but my first where I won’t be fighting a Guild Prize. I hope to develop a class to present however.

I have further personal goals of upping the quality of everything I do – rather than take on anything more – in fact, I will be stepping down as Seneschal this year, something I hope will give me more time and energy to return to working on my own game rather than playing hide-a-way in a Castle of Paperwork.

In closing, I will leave you a lovely photo taken of me announcing myself at the most recent Baronial Rapier Championship in Innilgard. I didn’t win, but I had fun, and more importantly I managed to convince half my opponents to fight me with single or case of daggers – which given the distance and footwork restrictions actually made my fights more fun.

Amos, announcing his intent to fight before Her Majesty, Their Excellencies and the populace of Innilgard. Included is my new fancy Gonfalon which became the angry goat banner on the day, as the wind made it a concussion hazard to anyone walking near without practicing good body voiding.

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Great Southern Gathering 8

This was my second Great Southern Gathering having attended my first in Krae Glas in 2015, and I have to say it continues to be one of my favourite events of the year. Somehow, through a combination of voodoo sorcery, goat magic and black alchemy – the event seems to remain action packed while remaining relaxing – even for those running around doing things.

It’s a scary concept.

This weekend was the first event where I debuted my new SCA name – Amos Ironbeard. After previously having issues getting people to use my first SCA name (Járnskeggi the Mad) – along with my own desire to explore other cultures and later time periods, this seemed to make sense. However, it seemed to be too great a success, the name has caught on quicker than my own reaction to it, resulting in some hilarious “Amos. Amos. Amos. AMOS.” moments. I appreciate the effort you all put in, and I’m still happy to answer to Járnskeggi, after all, I am still Ironbeard and still Mad.

I had the privilege of being Deputy Steward for the event which mostly involved carrying stuff, answering questions and making sure people didn’t burn the place down (They didn’t even come close). A vast majority of the hard work was done by Mistress Ingerith as Event Steward and Baroness Aeschine as Event Cook – they both worked hard to make the event great – along with the many others who pitched in from assisting in the kitchen, taking out trash and running out into storms at night to help with tents.

The weather was chaotic across the state but thankfully the site and event avoided most of the chaos. There was mud on site, and vehicle travel had to be limited to save cars from bogging but overall it wasn’t terrible – a combination of angles and drainage probably helped.

I was impressed by the amount of people taking classes and teaching them across the event, it looked like a lot of people were having fun trying out new things and I know a few friends who are taking away ideas and projects to work on in the future.

I was lucky enough to be able to teach my Krapfen class, with special thanks to Lady Safiyya for her translations, and had attendance from some truly talented individuals. Scarcely did I have to give instruction to find dough being rolled, apples being peeled and witty banter being slung across the kitchen – it felt more like the kitchen team at a feast than a class and the atmosphere was enjoyable. We ended up making enough Krapfen to feed the event, a few times over, with platters going out for people to sample only to return empty minutes later. I continue to learn from teaching and it served as an excellent dry run for cooking Krapfen for my next feast this month.

On the Sunday the weather held out enough for guild prizes to be fought, I was lucky enough to test multiple Free Scholars including His Excellency, Baron Cullan, my dear language tutor and translator the Lady Safiyya and the distinguished Lord Mikołaj. There was a moment I had to leap between fields to consult for two candidates at the same time, much to the amusement of my fellows, but it was an enjoyable experience.

I was sponsored for my Journeyman prize by Lord Guildmaster William Blackwood, and managed to take away the green sash at the end, although I now have several things to work on in the near future and after witnessing some of the fighting and classes over the weekend my to-do list more than doubled as I start my very long journey to the path of becoming a Provost.

I got the chance to make new friends, catch up with old, including the ones I hardly get a chance to see. I drank far too much on the Friday night which made prepping for my class Saturday morning interesting, however overall I really enjoyed the event.

That said, I will greatly enjoy being in my own bed tonight.

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Fortunes Favour

Fortunes Favour

The weekend of my cooking for the Feast in the East, I also ran my first Rapier tournament. I tried to develop it along two guidelines, first – lots of fun. Secondly, I wanted to challenge people to step outside their comfort zones by trying new things. From my experiences on the day and the feedback I got, I think I was successful.

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